Currently we have approximately 180 members with Alfa Romeo's ranging from rare classics up to the latest models available here in South Africa. With this in mind, as an Alfa Romeo Club of South Africa member (Classic or Modern Owner), you can look forward to a fun filled annual calendar which includes monthly social get-togethers where you can meet passionate like-minded Alfisti, Breakfast/Lunch Meets, our Annual Prestigious Concorso d’ Eleganza plus many more exciting events. In an addition, you will receive our exclusive quarterly Fifth Gear magazine, a monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with Club news and upcoming Events and have access to Alfa fundies in case you need technical advice. The scope is unlimited and to discover more, visit our events page.
Members meet at our Clubhouse, 3 Athol Oaklands Road, Oaklands, Johannesburg. Unless we are wowing the crowds with our beautiful Alfa Romeo's elsewhere.
What is known is that in early 1973, at the request of Dr Vito Bianco, Alfa Romeo South Africa MD, an advert was placed by Harvey Thomas, then editor of the Star Motoring, inviting Alfa Romeo owners to attend a meeting at the Balalaika Hotel, to form a club in the Johannesburg area. The response was overwhelming, with sixty-three Alfisti present at the meeting, held on March 27, 1973, a date to be remembered, as the birth date of the Alfa Romeo Club of South Africa.
The Alfa Romeo Club of South Africa has been in continuous existence since 1973 and is affiliated to the Alfa Romeo Owners Association of SA (AROASA) which is the controlling body of all the Alfa Romeo Clubs nationwide. Through this, Alfa Romeo Club of South Africa is affiliated to the South African Motor Club Association (SAMCA) under whose auspices our activities fall. Alfa Romeo Club of South Africa is run by a committee which is elected annually, and the Club’s constitution is available for inspection.